Hi you, this is me, Kim.
I hope you are well in spite of these strange Covid19-times we are in. Due to this situation I am on short time work and therefore have a little bit of extra free time next to looking after my daughter Maxime.
Like many of you I like to daydream... I daydream of places that are on my never-ending-list of places I want to go to- or return to. I love to take pictures that capture a feeling, that transport you to a better, dreamier time. Like a daydream that allows you to escape from your current reality. So with this newly gained time I love to go through my past trips, upcoming travels, thoughts around traveling with our toddler, weekend get-aways with my husband or friends...
With boarders slowly opening-up again, we will hopefully be able to travel again. I will share here my past and future travel experiences with my toddler Maxime. Considering the times -or hopefully soon past times- of Corona, how will this epidemic change the way we travel and the places we stay at? As we will never know if-and-when an other lockdown is around the corner, will we change our travel habits to a more conscious yet spontaneous approach? What are the options if despite uncertainty you still want to keep travelling and exploring?
My husband grew-up in France and we travel back and forth quite often. Our upcoming road trip will take us through Reims on our way to Paris to see Maxime's grandparents again. It is planned for June 2020.
I have always gone about my research taking what suits my liking and leaving what doesn't. Please do the same. I am happy if I can inspire you to explore more despite these uncertain times.
Stay healthy, keep daydreaming...

Marc, Maxime & Kim, Zurich in Spring 2020